We try our best to deal with all users fairly at all times. If you
have a complaint regarding our services, your first step should be to contact
our Solutions as soon as reasonably practicable and give them details of your
complaint. This will be escalated as necessary within our Solutions Team until
it has been resolved.
Solution Team –
Head of Betting Operations –
Solution Team Contact – +254725290028
In any Email or Phone call to us, please include your phone number
and full names and ensure that the phone number you provide is the same as the
one that you registered your Kwikbet Account with. Also, please include a clear
explanation of your complaint.
If our Solutions Team have escalated your complaint and it still
cannot be resolved, you can ask for the dispute to be addressed by our Head of
Betting Operations. We aim to resolve the matter to your satisfaction as soon as
reasonably practicable and will contact you to discuss.
If for some reason you are not satisfied with the resolution of the
complaint by the company, you can complain to the Betting Control and Licensing
Board (BCLB). Kindly note that by contacting BCLB you are confirming that you
have not breached any of Kwikbet Terms and Conditions.
If you are not happy after, the parties shall refer the matter for
Arbitration by a single arbitrator agreed by the parties where the chosen venue
shall be Nairobi. Where there is no agreement each party shall appoint a single
arbitrator. Where they are unable to agree the Chairman for the time being of
the Kenyan Chapter of Chartered Institute or Arbitrators shall appoint one.
Offensive or rude language as well as malicious or damaging
comments will not be tolerated while contacting our staff or while discussing
our products and services in any media, social network or forum. Any
infringement of this policy will result in a suspension of the Account or in
every additional action as may be required in order to ensure compliance.